Why Arena

Why Arena

Arena Animation is a pioneer in animation & multimedia education & has trained 250,000 students over the past 14 years.

Wide range of courses

Arena offers hundreds of animation/ gaming/ web designing courses suited to students & working people.
Career courses, university programs as well as short-term courses are offered.

World-class education

Arena works hard to provide quality education to students.
For this, the company:
  • Offers hundreds of in-demand animation, gaming & web design courses
  • Provides books & CDs that make it easy to learn
  • Appoints trained & certified teachers to take classes
  • Provides lots of lab time for practice
  • Works to find good job placements for students

Animation industry is booming

The animation industry is huge & growing. Arena fulfills the demand for trained professionals in animation, multimedia, gaming & web designing.

Thousands of jobs

There are about 300 animation companies employing 12,000 people in India. Nearly 3,000 freelancers are working in this industry.
A career in animation means being a part of one of the most ‘happening’ industries of our time. Animation & Internet touch every facet of modern life.

Job placements

Arena offers job placement assistance to its students.